
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Trigger Based service control system in Windows 7

Today I was watching a video from Channel9 and there I have found that the way windows service works has been changed in windows 7. The common scenario is to run common windows services on startup. Normally this takes long booting time and shutdown time. Also the services startup automatically do not need all the time. For example "Tablet PC Input Service", this service starts automatically when computer starts but this is not needed if you don't use tablet PC. So this type of services do nothing but take up computer processing power and memory and causes slow start up and shut down.

To get rid of this problem Microsoft Kernel team is devised a new way of starting and stopping services. This is trigger based. So now in Windows 7 all the services will not start automatically rather starts by kernel when some kinds of trigger fires. For example the "Table PC Input Service" will not start on startup. But some kind of tablet PC will be attached then the kernel will identify that for this the "Tablet PC Input Service" needs to be started, and start the service. And the tablet PC will be unplugged the service will be stopped by the service.

So this is great idea! Microsoft was started Vista a brand new way and now in their next OS windows 7, they are looking how to improve performance for Vista-next OS.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Add your own script in validation script when page is submitted

When we create a web page and use validator creates some javascript functions which is used to validate controls. uses Page_ClientValidate() function to validate client side validators. Now if you want to do something before submitting this page (so if the page is valid to submit and all validator controls are vlaid) then you can do so by calling the Page_ClientValidate() method by yourself. Let assume the script below:

    <script type="text/javascript">

        function doSomethingBeforeSubmitting() {

            var isPageSubmitting = Page_ClientValidate();

            if (isPageSubmitting) {

            //write your code to do before page submitting.





Now you can call this method on the client click event of an asp server side button as shown below:

<asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClientClick="return doSomethingBeforeSubmitting();" />


May be till now to you have got nothing special. Let's make the things a bit interesting. Now lets say the page we are going to submit will take too long to submit. In that case to prohibit user to click on the submit button twice we need to disable the submit button when the page is going to be submit. Remember we don't need to disable the button if the page is not submitting because of validator control's validation failed. we can write this code as shown below:


    <script type="text/javascript">

        function doSomethingBeforeSubmitting() {

            var isPageSubmitting = Page_ClientValidate();

            if (isPageSubmitting) {

                var submitButton = document.getElementById('<%=btnSubmit.ClientID %>');

                submitButton.disabled = true;





Now lets say after submitting the page the user is redirected to another page. If the user click on browser's back button to come back to this page then user may get the submit button disabled. To get rid of this problem you may think that we may write script on document's onload event to enable the button again. But when you come to page clicking browser's back button you may not get this event fired. In IE this event will be fired but in Firefox and others this event is not fired. So what you are going to do?

To get rid of this problem I had found a solution. I had written script on document's onunload event. I had enabled the button on this unload event. So before submitting the page the button was enabled again. So if user go back to the page using browser's back button he'll get the button enabled as I had already enabled the button before leaving the page. Here's the code block:


    <script type="text/javascript">

        window.onunload = "EnableSubmitButton";

        function EnableSubmitButton() {

            var submitButton = document.getElementById('<%=btnSubmit.ClientID %>');

            submitButton.disabled = false;       


        function doSomethingBeforeSubmitting() {

            var isPageSubmitting = Page_ClientValidate();

            if (isPageSubmitting) {

                var submitButton = document.getElementById('<%=btnSubmit.ClientID %>');

                submitButton.disabled = true;





Here in the above script I have registered EnabledSubmitButton method on window's onload event by the following:

window.onunload = "EnableSubmitButton";


So I did it in reverse way, rather than enabling the button on window's onload event, I enabled the button on button onunload event.