
Friday, July 26, 2013

SharePoint 2013: Breadcrumb for list/library

Maybe we’ve noticed the issue in SharePoint - if a list view webpart is added to page and user navigate to different folders in the list view, there’s no way for users to know current folder hierarchy. So basically breadcrumb for the list view webpart missing. If there would be a way of showing users the exact location in the folder hierarchy the user is current in (as shown in the image below), wouldn’t be that great?
Image 1: List view webpart with folder-navigation breadcrumb

I’ll explain in the post how you can achieve this kind of folder navigation with minimum changes/customisation.


Download the FolderNavigation.js file from MSDN Code Gallery. You can deploy the script either in Layouts folder (in case of full trust solutions) or in Master Page gallery (in case of SharePoint Online or full trust). I would recommend to deploy in Master Page Gallery so that even if you move to cloud, it works without modification. If you deploy in Master page gallery, you don’t need to make any changes, but if you deploy in layouts folder, you need to make small changes in the script which is described in section ‘Deploy JS Link file in Layouts folder’.

Option 1: Deploy in Master Page Gallery (Suggested)
If you are dealing with SharePoint Online, you don’t have the option to deploy in Layouts folder. In that case you need to deploy it in Master page gallery. Note, deploying the script in other libraries (like site assets, site library) will not work, you need to deploy in master page gallery. To deploy in master page gallery manually, please follow the steps:
  1. Download the js file from MSDN Code Gallery.
  2. Navigate to Root web => site settings => Master Pages (under group ‘Web Designer Galleries’).
  3. From the ‘New Document’ ribbon try adding ’JavaScript Display Template’ and then upload the FolderNavigation.js file and set properties as shown below:
    Image 2: Upload JS file to Master Page Gallery
In the above image, we’ve specified the content type to ‘JavaScript Display Template’, ‘target control type’ to view to use the js file in list view. Also I’ve set target scope to ‘/’ which means all sites and subsites will be applied. If you have a site collection ‘/sites/HR’, then you need to use ‘/Sites/HR’ instead. You can also use List Template ID, if you need.

Option 2: Deploy JS Link file in Layouts Folder
If you are deploying the FolderNavigation.js file in Layouts folder, you need to make small changes in the downloaded script’s RegisterModuleInti method as shown below:
RegisterModuleInit('FolderNavigation.js', folderNavigation);
In this case the ‘RegisterModuleInit’ first parameter will be the path relative to Layouts folder. If you deploy your file in path ‘/_Layouts/folder1’, the then you need to modify code as shown below:
RegisterModuleInit('Folder1/FolderNavigation.js', folderNavigation);

If you are deploying in other subfolders in Layouts folder, you need to update the path accordingly. What I’ve found till now, you can only deploy in Layouts and Master page gallery. But if you find deploying in other folders works, please share.

Use The JS File in List View WebPart

Once you deploy the FolderNavigation.js file, you can start using it in list view webpart. Edit the list view web part properties and then under ‘Miscellaneous’ section put the file url for JS Link as shown below:
Image 3: JS Link for list view webpart

Few points to note for this JS Link:
  • if you have deployed the js file in Master Page Gallery, You can use ~site or ~SiteCollection token, which means current site or current site collection respectively.
  • If you have deployed in Layouts folder, you need to use corresponding path in the JS Link properties. For example if you are deploying the file in Layouts folder, then use ‘/_layouts/15/FolderNavigation.js’, if you are deploying in ‘Layouts/Folder1’ then, use ‘/_layouts/15/Folder1/FolderNavigation.js’.

How it works?

If you are interested how it works, you can carry on reading, either move to deployment section. Basically I’ve utilized the SharePoint 2013 Client Side Rendering (CSR) concept. If you are not familiar with this CSR, you can get the basic idea by Googling. Simply, CSR allows us to customize the rendering of SharePoint fields using JavaScript. I’ve developed a client side rendering JavaScript file which is shown below:

///Author: Sohel Rana
//Version 1.2
//Last Modified on 27-Oct-2013
//Version History:
//  1. Added
//  2. Fixed the bug 'Filtering by clicking on field title would result duplicate navigation link'
//  3. Fixed the bug 'breadcrumb title always lowercase'. Now breadcrumb title is as like the folder name in the library even with case (lower/upper)

//replace query string key with value
function replaceQueryStringAndGet(url, key, value) {
    var re = new RegExp("([?|&])" + key + "=.*?(&|$)", "i");
    separator = url.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? "&" : "?";
    if (url.match(re)) {
        return url.replace(re, '$1' + key + "=" + value + '$2');
    else {
        return url + separator + key + "=" + value;

function folderNavigation() {
    function onPostRender(renderCtx) {
        if (renderCtx.rootFolder) {
            var listUrl = decodeURIComponent(renderCtx.listUrlDir);
            var rootFolder = decodeURIComponent(renderCtx.rootFolder);
            if (renderCtx.rootFolder == '' || rootFolder.toLowerCase() == listUrl.toLowerCase())

            //get the folder path excluding list url. removing list url will give us path relative to current list url
            var folderPath = rootFolder.toLowerCase().indexOf(listUrl.toLowerCase()) == 0 ? rootFolder.substr(listUrl.length) : rootFolder;
            var pathArray = folderPath.split('/');
            var navigationItems = new Array();
            var currentFolderUrl = listUrl;

            var rootNavItem =
                    title: 'Root',
                    url: replaceQueryStringAndGet(document.location.href, 'RootFolder', listUrl)

            for (var index = 0; index < pathArray.length; index++) {
                if (pathArray[index] == '')
                var lastItem = index == pathArray.length - 1;
                currentFolderUrl += '/' + pathArray[index];
                var item =
                        title: pathArray[index],
                        url: lastItem ? '' : replaceQueryStringAndGet(document.location.href, 'RootFolder', encodeURIComponent(currentFolderUrl))
            RenderItems(renderCtx, navigationItems);

    //Add a div and then render navigation items inside span
    function RenderItems(renderCtx, navigationItems) {
        if (navigationItems.length == 0) return;
        var folderNavDivId = 'foldernav_' + renderCtx.wpq;
        var webpartDivId = 'WebPart' + renderCtx.wpq;

        //a div is added beneth the header to show folder navigation
        var folderNavDiv = document.getElementById(folderNavDivId);
        var webpartDiv = document.getElementById(webpartDivId);
            folderNavDiv =null;
        if (folderNavDiv == null) {
            var folderNavDiv = document.createElement('div');
            folderNavDiv.setAttribute('id', folderNavDivId)
            webpartDiv.parentNode.insertBefore(folderNavDiv, webpartDiv);
            folderNavDiv = document.getElementById(folderNavDivId);

        for (var index = 0; index < navigationItems.length; index++) {
            if (navigationItems[index].url == '') {
                var span = document.createElement('span');
                span.innerHTML = navigationItems[index].title;
            else {
                var span = document.createElement('span');
                var anchor = document.createElement('a');
                anchor.setAttribute('href', navigationItems[index].url);
                anchor.innerHTML = navigationItems[index].title;

            //add arrow (>) to separate navigation items, except the last one
            if (index != navigationItems.length - 1) {
                var span = document.createElement('span');
                span.innerHTML = '&nbsp;>&nbsp;';

    function _registerTemplate() {
        var viewContext = {};

        viewContext.Templates = {};
        viewContext.OnPostRender = onPostRender;
    //delay the execution of the script until clienttempltes.js gets loaded
    ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(_registerTemplate, 'clienttemplates.js');

//RegisterModuleInit ensure folderNavigation() function get executed when Minimum Download Strategy is enabled.
//if you deploy the FolderNavigation.js file in '_layouts' folder use 'FolderNavigation.js' as first paramter.
//if you deploy the FolderNavigation.js file in '_layouts/folder/subfolder' folder, use 'folder/subfolder/FolderNavigation.js as first parameter'
//if you are deploying in master page gallery, use '/_catalogs/masterpage/FolderNavigation.js' as first parameter
RegisterModuleInit('/_catalogs/masterpage/FolderNavigation.js', folderNavigation);

//this function get executed in case when Minimum Download Strategy not enabled.

Code Snippet 1: Folder Navigation JavaScript

Let me explain the code briefly.

  • The method ‘replaceQueryStringAndGet’ is used to replace query string parameter with new value. For example if you have url ‘’  and you would like to replace the query string ‘key’ with value ‘New Value’, you can use the method like
    replaceQueryStringAndGet("","key","New Value")
  • The function folderNavigation has three methods. Function ‘onPostRender’ is bound to rendering context’s OnPostRender event. The method first checks if the list view’s root folder is not null  and root folder url is not list url (which means user is browsing list’s/library’s root). Then the method split the render context’s folder path and creates navigation items as shown below:
    var item =
            title: title,
            url: lastItem ? '' : replaceQueryStringAndGet(document.location.href, 'RootFolder', encodeURIComponent(rootFolderUrl))
As shown above, in case of last item (which means current folder user browsing), the url is empty as we’ll show a text instead of link for current folder.
  • Function ‘RenderItems’ renders the items in the page. I think this is the place of customisation you might be interested. Having all navigation items passed to this function, you can render your navigation items in your own way. renderContext.wpq is unique webpart id in the page. As shown below with the wpq value of ‘WPQ2’ the webpart is rendered in a div with id ‘WebPartWPQ2’. 

    Image 4: How list view webpart is rendered

    In ‘RenderItems’ function I’ve added a div just before the webpart div ‘WebPartWPQ2’ to put the folder navigation as shown in the image 1.
  • In the method ‘_registerTemplate’, I’ve registered the template and bound the OnPostRender event.
  • The final piece is RegisterModuleInit. In some example you will find the function folderNavigation is executed immediately along with the declaration. However, there’s a problem with Client Side Rendering and Minimal Download Strategy (MDS) working together as described in here. To avoid this problem, we need to Register foldernavigation function with RegisterModuleInit to ensure the script get executed in case of MDS-enabled site. The last line ‘folderNavigation()’ will execute normally in case of MDS-disabled site.
I’ve upload the js file in MSDN code gallery. Please download it from here.


The JavaScript file is available in MSDN gallery for download.


The solution works for both SharePoint Server as well as SharePoint Online. Though I’ve shown manual process of deploying and updating the JS Link in webpart properties, you can develop powershell script to deploy the FolderNavigation. Few references might be useful:

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

SharePoint Reporting Service and Bing Map – Unable to connect to Remote Server

We’ve RDL reports running in SharePoint using SQL Server Reporting Service. The reports were using Bing Map to display some BI information. Reports were working fine in our development box but as soon as we moved the reports in UAT, Bing map was failed to rendered and the error was ‘Unable to Connect to Remote Server’.

After Googling it comes out that we need to configure proxy settings and we’ve a proxy in UAT. So we configured proxy settings for Reporting Service web.config file (which usually exists in Reporting Server location at Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.[instance name]\Reporting Services\ReportServer\web.config) as shown below. You need to add the following section in between <Configuration> section (possibly after </Runtime>):

    <defaultProxy enabled="true">
        <proxy bypassonlocal="True" proxyaddress="http://server:port" /> 

But it didn’t solve our problem. Still we were getting the error Unable to connect to remote server.



After investigating it turned out that we also need to configure SharePoint Reporting Services Service Application’s web.config file. You can find the Reporting Service Application by browsing the ‘SharePoint Web Service’ in IIS as shown below (in SharePoint 2013 box):


Figure : SharePoint Service Application – SQL Server Reporting Services in IIS


So you need to configure the proxy settings for both:

  • SQL Server Reporting Service (Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.[instance name]\Reporting Services\ReportServer\web.config)
  • as well as SharePoint Reporting Service Application’s web.config file (shown in above image).

Friday, July 19, 2013

SharePoint 2013: Browse and Upload Multiple Documents Missing

SharePoint 2013 introduced new features with more user-friendly User Interface. But Maybe it’s not true for ‘Multiple Documents upload’. SharePoint 2013 deprecated upload multiple files with ‘file upload control’ as described in the Microsoft Support page. Let’s take a look what it was in SharePoint 2010 and what’s we’re missing in SharePoint 2013.

SharePoint 2010 – Upload Multiple Documents Dialog

In SharePoint 2010, we are familiar with the following multiple upload control as shown below:
Image 1: SharePoint 2010 - Upload Multiple File

The ‘Upload Multiple Documents’ option in SharePoint 2010 allows to drag and drop files but there’s also an option to browse files as shown below:
Image 2: SharePoint 2010 ‘Upload Multiple Documents’ dialog with browse file option
The ‘Browse for files instead’ option (as shown in the Image 2 above) would be last resort for users – where drag and drop would not work. But this option is missing now in SharePoint 2013.

SharePoint 2013 – Multiple Documents Upload Options

As described in, users have the two following options in SharePoint 2013 to upload multiple files:
  • Windows Explorer View
  • Drag-n-Drop
The following image shows how the new ‘upload document’ ribbon control in SharePoint 2013 looks now:
Image 3: Upload ribbon button in SharePoint 2013

With ‘browse multiple files and upload’ deprecated in SharePoint 2013, Drag And Drop is the only way of uploading multiple files inside browser. Unfortunately the drag and drop will only work with IE9 (and later versions of IE) but not in IE8. Also some users might find drag-n-drop a bit difficult to deal with (need to open windows explorer, select the files, drag the files in Internet explorer and in a particular section).

So what options left for users who are using IE8? They can use other browsers like Chrome, FireFox etc. (nice way of using non-IE for browsing SharePoint) for drag and drop. Otherwise they can use Windows Explorer View. However Windows Explorer view may need minor configuration in users’ computers and might not work for Office 365. There’s no official explanation of why the ‘browse and upload multiple documents’ option is removed from SharePoint 2013 in the Microsoft Support page.

It’s really disappointing to see the upload multiple files through file upload control gone in SharePoint 2013. Users who are using SharePoint 2013 and IE8, as well as they don’t have windows explorer view configured, they have only one option of using non-IE browsers. Also some users might find drag and drop a bit difficult to use. And Microsoft didn’t leave any choice for them.